Sunday, March 29, 2009

Everything's coming up butterflies

Well it's spring and I had a wonderful day yesterday. I had someone babysitting my youngest two so I could go to my 7 year old daughter's soccer game at 1:00. We had to arrive early because they were taking team pics. I had a rare moment that I had no one to supervise and nothing I had to do, so I sat in a folding chair, with my stitching and enjoyed the sun and blue sky and fresh air. The birds were singing, the butterflies flitting and I was stitching away without a care in the world! Ahhhhhh bliss! I managed to extend the feeling by moving it all to my back yard after the soccer game. The whole family spent as much time outside as possible. Check out my regular blog to see our butterfly catching.
I am almost done with part 2 of Alla Turka and will post a pic soon. I'm having fun dropping a few special stitches into it. Keeping with the butterfly theme, I've also signed up to do a new sal by Papillon Creations called Castles in the Air. Here is my color selection - a bit daring for me as I'm not really fond of rainbows like this and usually prefer simpler color schemes or tone on tone. We'll see if it overwhelms me and I simplify it as I go - you know me, gotta change it up! Anyway, check out for this SAL. It's beautiful. I've never paid for a SAL before but it was only about a $1.50 American, so cheap and there is a specialty stitch version so it's practically made for me!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Alla Turka and Rave about designs

Well, I've been working on a Mystery Stitch along by Pelin Tezer called Alla Turka. Here is my finished part one. I'm really enjoying it - the patterns are rythmic and soothing and I love the rich chocolaty brown I'm doing it in. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. When everyone I knew was doing the Boink I just didn't get it - It looked hard, confusing and while they turned out lovely I thought it was something I'd never stitch. But I've changed my mind - I'll admit when I'm wrong and boy was I!!! If you haven't done one of these kind of projects I strongly recommend it. I'm on the second part of Alla Turka and when I work on it my needle is flying - I'm almost ready to do part 3 and I can't wait! I started this project with myself in mind I picked colors I love and I plan on hanging it in my bedroom when I'm done so I can have a bit of my stitching for myself for a change. And with the pleasure I'm getting, I went and checked out the designer for Boink and am putting together the stuff for the growth rings design and plan to do it next. Check them out
Happy Stitches!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

bookmark, Bitty Finish and update

Here, finally, is the pic of the bookmark I made for the exchange on BBInteractive. It's by one of my favorite designers, the Drawn thread.

I haven't been posting or stitching much this past month! February blew by and now March is here definitely like a lion in this part of the country.. we've had a week of steady heavy rain, but the reports all promise that we'll be back to our usual sunshine soon. We definitely have it better than most parts of the country because spring is here for sure: the fruit trees are in bloom! That's one of my favorite parts of spring the Cherry/plum/apricot flowers every where! I've been reading a lot because that's easier to do while breastfeeding than my stitching or crochet. I have been working on my Pelin Tezer mystery SAL and I have this small finish as a gift for a friend that is about to have her second child a baby boy.

Happy stitches!